lgbtq+ representation is still important even when you’re grown asf.

Discovering LGBTQ+ literature as an adult was like finding a home I didn't even know I was missing. It’s a reminder that there are people like me that are thriving in the world. Without this representation in media it’s easy to feel unseen and unheard. Representation in books and media gives a glimmer of hope, a sense of validation, and helps to make you feel seen and understood.

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Lifestyle, Friendship, Relationships Ariel Wilson Lifestyle, Friendship, Relationships Ariel Wilson

Why Friendship Matters: Insights for Black Lesbian Women

Growing up, I often felt like an outsider in this world that didn't quite understand my identity. In college, I was fortunate to meet and befriend some amazing people that were Black and queer. It was in these queer spaces that I found my tribe—people who understood the struggles, the truth, and the beautiful intricacies of being Black and queer.

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Relationships, Dating, Marriage Ariel Wilson Relationships, Dating, Marriage Ariel Wilson

Why You Should Try Alphabet Dating, Stat!

In a world dominated by screens and digital interactions, it's more important than ever to nurture real-world connections that breathe life into our relationships.

Alphabet Dating is a dating strategy where each date is inspired by a letter of the alphabet. Beginning with "A" and continuing through the alphabet, couples plan activities, outings, or experiences that correspond with the designated letter. The concept encourages creativity, spontaneity, and a sense of shared exploration.

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